Press Release July 21, 2011


Washington, D.C.’s finest, DARKEST HOUR have released an entirely instrumental version of their latest record “The Human Romance” via iTunes. Guitarist Mike Schleibaum adds his own words.

“Attention geeks, shredders, stem junkies and Karaoke fanatics. We’re very stoked to offer you the instrumental version of The Human Romance. Feel free to download away and enjoy. If you haven’t had a chance to pick up the record then by all means start with the version that has our very own John Henry singing on it. After all it ain’t the DH with out the JH. These instrumentals will take you on one hell of an epic sonic journey so pick em both up, learn these words and scream your ass off with us at the shows!”

The band will embark on this year’s SUMMER SLAUGHTER tour. They’ll be supporting THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER and WHITECHAPEL alongside SIX FEET UNDER and DYING FETUS. Keep an eye on the official Summer Slaughter Facebook page for more info!

To celebrate, the guys are kicking off the tour with a signing at Soundcheck Hollywood on Friday 7/22 at 8872 West Sunset Boulevard along with some of their friends on the tour.

The band released their latest record “The Human Romance.” earlier this year to much anticipation with singles like “Love As A Weapon” and “The World Engulfed In Flames,” including the highly successful music video for “Savor The Kill.”

DARKEST HOUR is John Henry – vocals, Mike “Lonestar” Carrigan – guitar, Mike Schleibaum – guitar, Ryan Parrish – drums and Paul Burnette – bass guitar.